

InteriMarket provides a virtual platform for contractors to showcase their skills and employers to find the right talent suitable for their jobs

Employer registers with InteriMarket and selects a convenient plan to get full access to a system. After that, an Employer can create and post a job. On a successful job post, the system will immediately list it for Contractors to apply. The employer can also invite any contractor to work on a job.

Whenever any contractor applies for the job, the Employer will be notified by mail and also gets a push notification if he is online. From Applicants’ list for a job, Employer can shortlist candidates and then sends an offer to one or more shortlisted candidates. If any shortlisted candidate accepts the offer, the system awards the job to him and closes this job to other candidates.

On successful job completion, Employer and contractor can rate each other and shares working experience to build a reputation in InteriMarket Universe!!


  • Implemented JWT token and RFC 7519 industry standard to achieve security and integrity.
  • Login with different social media accounts like Facebook and Linkedin.
  • Flexible payment model, suitable for small to enterprise employers like monthly billing Cycle, PO and Pay-as-you-go.
  • A recurring monthly payment using the BrainTree payment gateway. The system has also developed and tested worst cases like disputes, a credit card expires, Bank account closed, etc.
  • Send invoice/usage details to the employer on a monthly basis.
  • Unique one-time hire-charges so the employer will pay less while rehiring Contractor again.
  • Report summary about spending, new hires, rehires compare to last month and detailed reports like talent cost report, Job Offer Report, Application to Placement Report, New Hire Report, Job Rehire Report to track all activities.
  • Share challenge result in different social media like Facebook, Google+, Instagram.
  • VAT Tax implementation for US and UK clients.
  • Use of Docker and Jenkins to speed-up project set-up.
  • Implemented REDIS cache to minimize load on the server and improve response time.
  • Integrated BUGSNAG to monitor fatal errors and breaches in the system.
  • Amazon S3 bucket to store media files and set-up glacier as s3 back-up in disasters.

Technologies Used

Backend Frontend Dependency Manager Database Server Payment Gateway Other Tools
Laravel 5.5, PHP 5.6 Angular 6, Bootstrap 3.x Composer & Bower MySql, FireBase Amazon EC2, S3 and Glacier BrainTree Jenkins, Docker, SparkPost Mail Server

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Created by itreeni-admin | October 16, 2018 | Web Development